Read about this magnificent
location and plan on taking your family on an exhilarating trek through the
canyon on Chol HaMoed.
By Vardah Littman
Nachal Zin
Avdat with its impressive cliffs is a place to look up and around and
exclaim, "Wow, ein zur ke’Eloknu” - who can paint as magnificently
as Hashem?" Ein Avdat is a spectacular narrow canyon flanked by tall
white cliffs occasionally streaked by dark flint. It is part of Nachal Zin,
the largest wadi or dry riverbed in
the Negev . While it is wise to watch your
step, make sure to look up and ahead to take in the view of the canyon as it
rises above you.
120 kilometer-long riverbed of Nachal Zin begins at the northwestern tip of Makhtesh Ramon and heads north. At
the Ein Avdat canyon Nachal Zin's route changes abruptly and starts veering sharply eastwards. This change of direction is beneath
the hanging Tzinim Cliffs where spectacular canyons, rich in water resources,
are found.
The springs in
Ein Avdat feed several small rock pools year round, making it a rare water
source with luxuriant fertile vegetation in the parched Negev
desert. They are active all year round although the flow varies throughout the
seasons. Even in the middle of summer, they pour
forth water to create a cool and deep pool. These springs emerge from
between horizontal layers of rocks. The definite source of the water is
unknown. The region is arid, and during rainfall the runoff does not
infiltrate, but drains away along the wadis. The current theory is that the
springs come from flash flood water that has seeped down through the stream bed
Ibex, King of the Cliffs
Ein Avdat is the home of the king
of the cliffs, the graceful ibex, a species of wild goat, which thrive on the
vegetation of Ein Avdat. With their brown hide, solid and muscular body, and specific
feet/leg structure, they are perfectly suited to the surroundings. As it
says in Tehillim 104:18; Hashem creates a perfect setting to suit each species
and cites the ibex’s habitat.
These animals are famed for
their ability to climb steep hills that provide them with refuge from
predators. An interesting behavioral pattern was observed in groups of
ibex in the Negev
Desert area. All the
young were placed on a steep cliff which they were unable to leave.
From time to time, the mothers would come to feed them. The offspring
would leave this special “nursery” only when they grew and were old enough
to fend for themselves. This is how the ibex protect their young from
predators such as wolves and leopards.
Males and females can be clearly
distinguished from each other. Adult male ibex stand out for their scimitar
shaped horns (large and bent backwards). The male's horns serve as a means to
reduce the number of male rivals. The male is large, muscular, and heavy, and
the back of its neck is well developed. The females are smaller with slender,
short horns that bend slightly to the rear. The ibexes live in separate male
and female (plus kids) herds.The ibexes can be spotted early in
the morning and in the afternoon and are most friendly to people. They descend
the cliffs to eat and drink near the springs. At one point, ibexes were
endangered. Today, due to enforcement of nature preservation laws, the number
of ibexes has increased.
Ibex are mentioned in Tanach
many times by the name “yael.” For example, in Shir Hashirim (Chapter 2),
Shlomo HaMelech uses the swift leaping of the ibex as a metaphor for
how swiftly Hashem redeemed us from Egypt and will redeem us again, may
it be, in our times, soon.
The Rich Variety of Flora and
The lush vegetation of the area of
the springs attracts a rich variety of insects such as dragonflies, as well as
songbirds. There are the Bulbuls,
swifts, rock pigeons and doves. The area serves passing waterfowl, such as
coots and land fowl like partridges and herons.
The canyon cliffs are used by
eagles as nesting spots. Other birds of prey that can also be found are
vultures, hawks, and bustards. There are rising airflows near the edge of the
cliff which the birds of prey use to fly up high. Frogs and rodents also
inhabit the place. The ostrich egg shells and onager bones found in the area
show they also once lived here.
Around the springs and bubbling
brooks grow salt-loving plants such as Atriplexes, commonly known
as saltbush, which can tolerate high salinity. Tiny hairs on its
leaves absorb the salt and then fall off, allowing the plant to survive. The
accumulated salt makes the green leaves look silvery.
A lone Atlantic terebinth tree estimated to be 350 years
old can be seen to the left of one of the trails. Poplar trees common to
oases and known for their variegated leaves, grow in the streambed.
The poplar is a tall tree which flourishes on riverbanks
and can tolerate a certain amount of salinity in the ground. It has two types
of foliage: the younger long leaves and wider more mature diamond-shaped
leaves. This is a deciduous tree which loses its leaves in winter. The poplar may be the tree referred to in Bereishis 30:37
which had a major role to play in the genetic feat that Yacov performed on the sheep.
The leaves of the poplar have prominent gallnuts, shaped
like a white half ball (gallnut means a swelling or growth in the leaf
following penetration of a foreign body, such as laid eggs or insect sting).
The poplar gallnuts contain pests that excrete a sweet substance which the
weaver-ants inside the tree feed on.
The weaving ant weaves a nest to protect the cicadas (sound producing grasshopper-like insect)
from the sun. The cicadas drink the plant sap of the tree. Here we can see the workings
of a wonderful harmony that Hashem created in nature.
Ein Avdat Throughout History
As a water source in
the middle of the desert, Ein Avdat and its
surroundings have been visited and inhabited by different peoples for thousands
of years, but apparently only sporadically. Abundant flint artifacts such as
arrow-heads, man-made knives, and other hand held stone implements have been
found dispersed throughout the area.
During the Hellenistic
period, the nearby city of Avdat was a station
along the Nabataean Spice route (an ancient trading route stretching
across Egypt to India through the Arabian
Peninsula ). The name of the area is derived from this period. “Ein,”
the Hebrew word for spring or water source, refers to the various springs
located in the canyon, while the word “Avdat” stems from the neighboring city
of Avdat
situated south of the canyon.
Avdat’s wind-blown ruins are
located on a mountainous limestone ridge overlooking the Negev Desert
highlands. The city of Avdat was apparently named after the
Nabataean King Obodas I who was buried there according to tradition. The name
was then Arabized to “Abdah” and finally Hebraicized to “Avdat.” Thus, Ein
Avdat is the Spring of Obodas. Located near the northern entrance of the Ein
Avdat is a spring called Ein Mor, named for the spice myrrh.
In the Byzantine era, Avdat
developed into a Christian city, and the Ein Avdat Canyon was inhabited by monks who lived
in its caves in the cliffs above. These monks sculpted out stairs and water systems
all over the area. In the several small caves which served as monks’ cells they
carved out closets, shelves, benches, and niches that were cut open to create
windows. After the Moslem conquest, the region was abandoned.
Ein Avdat Today
Ein Avdat became easily accessible
in the 1950s after the establishment of Kibbutz Sdeh Boker in 1952 (home of Ben
Gurion) and the Highway 40 to Eilat. The trail going through Ein Avdat was
constructed in 1956, and now it is included in the Israel National Trail. The
stairs that lead to the beginning of the Avdat waterfall were first carved out by
Israeli teenagers in 1956, and then improved by the National Parks Authority.
Due to the magnificence of the
steep canyon in which it is located, it has become a popular hiking spot. There
are a number of hiking trails throughout the canyon that were designed to
protect the enchanting landscape from wear and tear. These hiking trails range
in levels of difficulty from easy to moderately challenging. Some require climbing
up ladders of iron rungs in the rock faces. One trail ends at the observation
terraces showing a magnificent and exhilarating look down the canyon.
The following is required equipment
for trekking in Ein Avdat: hats, 1.5 liters of water per person (drinking the
water from the springs is not recommended), sturdy walking shoes with non-slip
soles, clothing appropriate for the season, sun protection cream, and a camera
(you'll be sorry if you don't). And last but not least, bring along bags to
take your rubbish out of the canyon with you.
The most direct entrance to the
canyon is from the south (the top of the canyon), but many hikers choose to
begin at Sdeh Boker (the kibbutz several kilometers north) and walk southward
to see the whole length of the canyon.
Ein Avdat is located on Road 40 between Mitzpe Ramon and Beer Sheva in the
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