The date 10 Nissan marks 3,285 years since
the Yidden crossed the Yarden
River . In the year 2488 Am Yisrael entered the Land under Yehoshua bin Nun. In memory
of this momentous occasion, this week’s column will focus on the
Yarden, the Jordan River .
The different shades of greens, with their
heavy, intoxicating scent, against the deep-brown earth to the one side and the
flowing silver river to the other, make walking along the Yarden a heavenly
Although the area is not stroller- or
wheelchairfriendly, the trail in Yarden Harari (the Jordan Highlands )
along the bank of Nahar Yarden is an easy one, which even children from about
the age of five or six can accomplish. One can also bike along the stream.
Deep and turbulent, with rushing and roaring
waters during the rainy season, the Jordan is reduced to a sluggish, shallow
stream in the summer. However, at any time of year this path provides a vivid
glimpse into the vegetation of the area. The best time to undertake the trek is
at the end of winter when it’s almost spring, or during spring itself.
At this time of year, the abundance of
flowers and their variety and colour range is stunning. Profuse, beautiful rakafot (cyclamens) hide under boulders and cling to the side of rocks. These
fragrant, highly beloved, protected wildflowers are prolonged in their
flowering season. They range in color from white to deep shockingpink, and have
heart-shaped leaves.
Another protected flower — the kalanit (crown anemone) — is all over, displaying its bright red head. (When the British ruled in
Palestine (1917-1948), their soldiers wore red berets and were called “kalaniot” by the local Jewish populace.)
Many types of charziot (daisies) abound in the long grass. There are yellow crown daisies and
fresh and charming white daisies. Large, glossy-textured, emerald-green leaves
with their dark-purple/black loof flower (arum palaestinum,
of the kalla family) are dispersed all along the route.
The vulnerable flower, Ute’s ladies’ tresses — a rare species of orchid,
considered to be endangered — can also be found along the river’s bank. Adding to the display is the concentration of numerous forms of
thicket and undergrowth.
You may glimpse rabbits escaping from some
birds of prey or leaping deer, as well as other wildlife and bird varieties.
The Jordan River
at Yarden Harari has a steep gradient (400 meters in 10 kilometers ). Considered
one of the world’s most challenging rafting sections, this
segment of the river is found at the end of Emek Hula as the Yarden flows
toward the Kinneret.
At one point, the trail reaches a black ruin
that was once a flour mill. The water of the river powered the wings of the
mill to grind the flour.
The Yarden is the largest, longest, and
best-known river flowing in Eretz Yisrael. Moreover, it is one of the only
rivers within Israel
that has an ongoing water flow all year round. Many of the other rivers dry up
for months at a time and do not fill up until the winter.
The Yarden begins near Mount Hermon, in the
tribal portion of Dan, and reaches the Dead Sea .
Its length, as the crow flies, is about 157 km (approx. 98 miles ). Since the river
meanders, though, the actual length is about 251 km (just under 157 miles ), though some measure
the total length as 331 km
(207 miles ),
i.e., twice the straight-line distance!
The major sources of the Yarden are the Hasbani River ,
the Banyas River
and the Dan River . Flowing south through the
entrance to the Great Syrian Rift Valley, the river is fed from underground
sources and small streams at different points in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and
After flowing into the Kinneret, the Yarden River
flows southward into the centre of the Jordan Valley .
The existence of thermal springs, notably in the Teveria region on the western
side of the Kinneret, give the Jordan ’s waters a relatively high degree of salinity.
In earlier times, the Israelites possessed
the territory on both sides of the Jordan River .
Then, in 1922 during the British Mandate of Palestine, the British created an
artificial country — the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan — and in 1923 the British installed Abdullah ibn Hussein as emir of the
new country. Today the Jordan River forms much of the international boundary between
Israel and the Kingdom of Jordan , and includes part of the
Palestinian Authority.
The Yarden continues its flow into Yam
Hamelach, the Dead Sea . This lower part of the
river between the Kinneret and Yam Hamelach has many curves. The aerial
distance between the two is 105
km (65
miles ), yet the flowing distance is 217 km (135 miles ).
Yarden means yored (mi) Dan, descending (from) Dan. As stated, the river
originates in the nachalah, portion, of Dan, and one of its three
headwaters is the Nachal Dan (Dan River ). In
addition, the Israelite town of Dan
in the far north is close to where the headwaters of the Yarden converge to
form the river.
Since the Yarden plunges some 1,300 feet in its 124- mile
course, (its source north of the Hula Valley is 100 feet above sea level, steadily decreasing
until it reaches the Dead Sea 423 meters/1,388
feet below sea level), its name is most fitting.
It is important to emphasize that the Jordan River , despite its relatively large size in Eretz
Yisrael, is actually a small river in international terms. When some European olim who were used to the great rivers in their lands of origin first saw the
Yarden, they remarked how small and narrow it was. On further contemplation,
they broke out in song. Why? Because, they replied, “the Yarden may not be as large and imposing as the rivers in the
countries we left, but it is
The Jordan River
runs not only through Eretz Yisrael but also “runs through” the Tanach, where it is mentioned about 181 times.
After the Israelites’ absence of 250 years from the Land, Yehoshua bin Nun led the Israelites
across the Jordan
into the Promised Land. Just as the Red Sea had
been miraculously divided for Bnei Yisrael, so too was the Yarden (Yehoshua 3:15-17). The Yarden is not so deep (at its deepest point it is around
17 feet/5 meters), and the Yidden could easily have waded through it. Its
splitting was a token of love to Bnei Yisrael on Hashem’s part, and not a necessity as had been the
division of the Yam Suf, where they had been in danger from the pursuing
Egyptian army.
The nation woke up early that 10th of Nissan,
the day of their crossing over. They believed wholeheartedly Yehoshua’s promises that nissim, miracles, would occur and they were eager
to see them. Hashem had the Aron which held the Luchos transport them all to the spot on the bank of the Jordan from where they were to
cross over. The kohanim carrying the Aron walked in front of the nation.
At the exact moment the kohanim’s feet touched the water — not an instant earlier or later — the river split. As their
feet made contact, the mud at the bottom of the river also split, leaving dry
ground for the Jews to walk on. The river did not stop flowing but kept piling
up (some say) until it was 300
miles high (higher than rain clouds), and the entire
inhabited world could see it.
After the last Jew had crossed over,
Yehoshua, at the command of Hashem, commanded 12 designated men (one from each
tribe) to take from the riverbed 12 stones , each weighing at least 40 se’ah, and carry them across. The stones were to
be set up as a memorial to the crossing of the Yarden.
After reaching the other side, the Yidden
looked back and saw the river start reflowing on its natural course. The Aron with the kohanim were still on the other bank of the river.
The Aron then lifted the kohanim up and transported them to the other side. This showed the nation that
the whole miracle of the Jordan River ’s splitting was not because of the kavod of the Aron, but because of Hashem’s great love for His People.
Yehoshua had promised miracles and many occurred,
including: (1) The waters split. (2) The waters afterward continued flowing.
(3) After the waters returned to their natural course, the Aron lifted the kohanim and carried them across. (4) All Yisrael
gathered between the staves of the Aron (Yehoshua 3:9). (5) On the day of the crossing, they travelled the astounding distance
of 120 mil (to Mount Gerizim
and back). (6) All the nations who witnessed the parting were overcome with
To reach Yarden Harari:
Before setting out, one should find out the
state of the roads that reach the area. If it has rained, the mud can be
problematic to ordinary cars and the course along the bank may be slippery.
On Route 90 turn right to Tzomet Machanayim.
Pass Tzomet Gadot until you reach a sharp curve in the road. Keep watching to
your right, for a sign saying “Yarden Harari,” which leads onto a dirt
road. Turn onto the dirt road, and after 20 meters park your car.
This is the starting point.
Walk along the black-and-white marked trail
along the bank of the Yarden. When you reach the black building, turn back,
using the red-and-white trail to reach your car.
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