The old Muslim structure at
Nebi Musa (pronounced Nebi Moo-sah — literally, “the prophet Moses” in Arabic) — is found in the heart of the Judean desert. With
its thick stone walls, blue domes, arched entrances and desert mystique, this
is the site that the Arabs believe is Moshe
Rabbeinu’s grave. This large, walled
complex includes 120 rooms, a large number of white “caps” above its roofs, and a
high tower.
This can obviously not be
the site of Moshe’s grave since it is located
on the wrong side of the Yarden. Standing at Nebi Musa, in the haze, one can
make out way beyond them mountains of Moav, one of which is Har Nevo. In Parashas Vezos Habrachah (Devarim 34:5) we are told that
Moshe passed away in Eretz Moav and was buried by Hashem Himself in that land,
in the gei (depression) opposite Beth
Peor. In the next verse, we are told that no one knows his precise burial
place, to this day.
Both Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims consider Moshe
to be a navi. They used to come to the
hill of Nebi Musa and look out towards the hills of Moav at the unknown place
of Moshe’s burial. Around the year
1259, the Mamluk Sultan Baibars decided to build these pilgrims a monument so
they would have an actual place to come to. He then built the inner structure — the core — of today’s Ottoman structure.
As the Arabs are not so
finely tuned to the details of history, it did not take long for them to become
mixed up and claim that Nebi Musa was the actual spot of Moshe’s tomb. In truth, this
place was not so important to the Muslims, but when they saw that Christian
Arabs celebrate a festival each spring, they created a festival to coincide
with this time of the year.
This newly invented
religious and national holiday became so popular that as many as 15,000 would
gather at this venue annually. During the 19th century, Muslims would assemble
in Jerusalem ,
trek to Nebi Musa, and spend three days in feasting, prayer, games, and visits
to the large tomb.
This “invention of tradition” made the colourful
pageantry of the Nebi Musa pilgrimage a potent symbol of both political and
religious identity among Muslims, from the outset of the modern period. It is
worthwhile to note that the festivals have been banned since 1948 by the
Jordanians, to prevent further unrest.
Riots From Nebi Musa
When the Jews started
flocking to the Land (end of 19th and beginning
of 20th century) the local Arabs
felt disturbed, and to show their displeasure they would murder Jews. After
World War I a great influx of Jewish olim came. (On March 1, 1920, just before the events
described below, Arabs murdered Joseph Trumpeldor and seven other Jews, at the Battle of Tel Hai.)
Instigated in large part by
Haj Amin al Husseini (the British-instated Mufti of Jerusalem) and Aref el
Aref, (editor of the newspaper Southern Syria), the imams riled up the masses. They called on
the Arabs to assemble at Nebi Musa.
Somewhere upward of 60,000
people gathered very early on the morning of April 4, 1920. A battle cry was let
out. By 9:30 a.m. they reached the Old City of Jerusalem, and began the first
of the Palestinian riots and pogroms against the Jews during the British
Mandate. Jews were attacked randomly all over the Old City .
The Arabs ripped open quilts and pillows, sending up clouds of feathers — all so reminiscent of
Russian pogroms. Arabs entered the Etz Chaim Yeshivah, where they tore and
trampled on sifrei Torah and then set the building
on fire.
At the end of four days of
rioting, five Jews had been killed and over 240 injured. A large amount of
Jewish property had been burned or pillaged. Synagogues and religious schools
had been torched and seforim desecrated. Eventually,
after five days, the British army came to stop the riots and evacuate the Jews
of Old City.
The riots had been
carefully pre-planned. A few days before the riots, Arab milkmen had demanded
that their Jewish customers in the Meah She’arim neighbourhood pay up their bills. They
explained that they would no longer be selling milk in the Jewish section.
Christian storekeepers marked their shops with their religious symbol to
protect themselves from looters.
It would seem the riots
were instigated by the British. It is known that British officers, especially
Col. Bertie Harry Waters-Taylor, who was the financial adviser to the Military
Administration in Palestine
(1919-23), encouraged and coached the rioters. British police applauded the
Arab war cries of “Filasteen arduna wa’al Yahud kilabuna“ (Palestine is our land and the Jews are our
dogs), “Itbach al Yahud” (slaughter the Jews), and
other such slogans that became the hallmarks of such massacres. They
inexplicably withdrew their police and let the rioters do as they pleased.
To add to it all, the
British responded to the riots primarily by punishing the Jews. The Palin
Commission, which investigated the riots, blamed them on Arab ire over the
Balfour declaration. As a result, the government restricted Jewish immigration.
Agitation for effective Jewish self-defence grew in the Jewish community.
How to Get to Nebi Musa
The site of Nebi Musa is
located on the east side of a red hill, on the north side of the Valley of
Horkania. A road connects
the place to Highway 1, which is 1.5
km . to the north. (It is suggested strongly,to go only
in large groups.)
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